Water Quality Monitoring
Quality Assurance Project Plans (QAPP)
Kai Environmental staff can assist in planning and developing Quality Assurance Project Plans (QAPP) to suit your project needs. We rely on years of experience to develop a sampling design that will address the questions you most want to know about the waterbody you intend to monitor. Then we can insert the correct data quality assurance standards to assure that the data you are collecting is the most accurate, precise, and representative data you can achieve. This same process applies to Sample Analysis Plans, when working on projects outside the purview of the Environmental Protection Agency.
Water Quality Monitoring Implementation
Kai Environmental staff have years of experience developing and implementing water quality monitoring programs on numerous projects including small wadable streams to large river systems. We have experience in designing long-term monitoring programs and can train your organization's staff to implement these programs or we can implement then for you. Monitoring is not limited to water collection, and may also include suspended sediments, sediments and biological sampling.
Data Quality Assurance and Data Validation
Kai Environmental staff have experience using the Environmental Protection Agency's guidance for Data Verification and Data Validation. In addition to data quality control and verification on data input, we can cross check your data set to assure it meets the standards designed into your Quality Assurance/Quality Control measures outlined in your Quality Assurance Project Plan. We routinely validate laboratory data to assure their analysis meets the accuracy and precision requirement of your program.