Resource Management Planning & Assessments
Kai Environmental staff have a broad background in resource management planning. We have worked with communities on developing local watershed management plans to identify issues and prioritize action items, assuring the overall health of the watershed. Part of this process involves bringing diverse stakeholder groups together to come to a consensus on identifying actions that benefit all.
In addition to watershed management plans, we have also completed the planning process for developing Integrated Resources Management Plans (IRMPs), which integrate economic, cultural and environmental concepts into managing land, water and air resources.
Kai Environmental staff have also worked on watershed assessments. This process involves developing sampling plans, conducting needed sampling and/or monitoring, and developing an assessment based on all available information. Watershed assessments usually include mapping waterways, conducting water quality tests, determining fish presence, assessing fish habitat, typing stream channels and quantifying riparian vegetation. Watershed assessments can be used as scientific based information in the watershed management planning process.