National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
Kai Environmental staff have NEPA related experience in preparing Categorical Exclusions and Environmental Assessments. While Kai Environmental is not a large or interdisciplinary team to lead the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) level of NEPA, we have teamed with other firms to contribute towards EIS analyses. We have developed NEPA documents for projects funded by the Federal Highway Administration, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (under Indian Health Services guidelines), U.S. Forest Service, and Housing and Urban Development.
While Kai Environmental does not have an archaeologist on staff, we sub-contract to a qualified firm to assist with Section 106 determinations and consultation with the State Historic Preservation Office. In many cases, our clients will also elect to contract directly with a firm of their choice, and supply Kai Environmental with the determination when it is complete.
Other specific supplemental NEPA documents in which Kai Environmental staff have experience with include: Wetland Delineations, Phase I Environmental Site Assessments and/or Biological Assessments.